Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Alternative to a Hills Hoyst

We no longer own a Hills Hoist clothesline - we sold it on ebay for $30 a while ago - so our children will never know the thrill of swinging freely from its metal arms. However our children - being the clever, creative souls they are - have already found an alternative. The automatic garage door!! Yes our just turned two year old was found the other morning by Daddy hanging from the garage door 4 foot in the air. He was happily having a ride with Caleb at the helm. Daddy quickly 'rescued' Seth and chastised Caleb for operating the door. Caleb's response...... "But Dad, he liked it the last time we did it!!!" Both Bren and I found it very difficult to keep a straight face - all we both wanted to do was laugh out loud. Seriously though it was quite a dangerous thing for the boys to do and we are certainly going to be vigilant about locking the garage door so that they can't get into any more mischief. I'm just wondering how many times they have actually had a 'ride' on the garage door!!! Perhaps I don't want to know!!!!

1 comment:

Laureen said...

OMG - boys! What can you do...glad all was well!

I've "tagged" you on my blog...check it out!
