Monday, December 17, 2012

We Know We are in Canada When....

1.  Although the line up to get through immigration is HUGE - there are no complaints from anyone in the line.  (It took us 3 hours to get processed)
2.  When you call a friend to say that we are waiting in said line and it could be a while before we get through it they say "sorry" even though its not their fault at all!!!
3.  You see Tim Hortons and the line up to it is also huge!!!!
4.  It is coooooold.
5.  There is no vegemite in the refrigerator but there is a gigantic tub of peanut butter (and its half eaten).
6.  The cheese is a really deep yellow colour.
7.  It is dark at around 4 in the afternoon.
8.  Most houses are decorated with Christmas lights.
9. People have to say "I beg your pardon" to Brendan as he is speaking to them.  (Well then again that could be anywhere in the world I guess.
10. We feel right at home...... like no time has passed at all.  In fact Caleb even remembers Goldfish crackers (even though he was only 3 when he tried them).

Breakfast - check out the coloured rice crispies....

Caleb playing with Derek and Marie's dog Kayla.

Look at the size of the peanut butter jar!!!! We don't even have vegemite jars that big.

Very wet snow falling.

Seth ready to play in the smattering of snow on the ground.

1 comment:

Melody Mallyon said...

WOW!! Almost feel like I'm right there with you. Technology is fantastic - bringing your adventure right into our homes. So wonderful to share it with you. Look forward to the next exciting episode!! lol Mum / MaMa