Playing at Rainbow Beach

Blowing out Daddy's Candles

Playing "peek-a-boo"
I have noticed lately that Caleb and Seth are beginning to play with each other a lot more.
Seth loves his big brother to bits and is wanting to be around him more and more. He gets quite upset when Caleb shuts the door on him (so he can play trains in peace usually) - he comes to me and says 'La la (Caleb) door" in the saddest sweetest voice - as if to say "I really want to be in the room with Caleb." How do you negotiate with a georgeous, sweet (if not mile a minute) boy who really does not understand that his brother needs his own space and really does not like to have his things flung from here to there or have his train set so neatly and carefully constructed destroyed in two seconds flat. So I usually distract Seth with something else like cuddles or songs or drawing etc etc.
Caleb does however love to play with his mischeivous younger brother as well. In the past when Seth was not quite so robust I would always be on the alert - Caleb didn't understand that Seth was only a baby and therefore had to be treated gently. Now however our youngest is at times the instigator of rough and tumble play. Caleb loves it. Often they play hide and seek under the bed sheets or chasey down the hall way. Even better is jumping on top of daddy or daddy's favourite 'let's tickle mummy'!!
I love watching the two of them together. It makes my heart sing to not only see them together but WANT to play together.
May they always be each others best friend.